Wednesday, October 04, 2006


In July this year, I invited my nearly 90 year old sister in law, Charlotte, to drive to Oregon with me, for my granddaughter Annie's wedding. We drove up the coast of California, stopping for a picnic near the "Drive Thru" Redwood tree, and a rest stop at the Ben Bow Inn where Bob and I always had our picnics. Wonderful memories for me.

Then, on through the Avenue of the Giants, cool, shady, quiet forest of Redwoods for miles and miles. We stopped near a large marker, "BOLLING GROVE" and a sign that pointed toward "Eel River...13 miles." There were three huge Redwoods in a semi-circle near the road, with lovely ferns growing all around. There, I scattered Bob's ashes, as we had cheerfully decided years and years ago. Now, all you who pass by... please remember the good times!

Charlotte had already gone through this experience, so was a great comforter. We traveled on, making it all the way to Eugene, Oregon the next day where we celebrated 4th of July with my sister Rachel and Wil and their son Paul and his son Will, who would be coming to the wedding.

Another day, we had a reunion kind of lunch including my sisters Rachel and Mary.

The wedding was a delight as you can imagine, beginning with my son John playing the piano beautifully, the wedding party coming down the aisle to Rachmaninoff's 18th variation on a theme from Pagonini... or the theme from the movie "Somewhere in Time." Dan brought his darling daughter Annie down the aisle to the theme from "Anne of Green Gables." All my children were gathered there, Janice, the mother of the bride, Joanne and Scott came from Colorado Springs, David and Teresa came from Carlsbad, and my heart was full. My brother Paul and Mae came all the way from Hacienda Heights. The only ones missing were my brother Andy and Jeannette.

Matt and Annie Beghtel

Charlotte and I stayed for a week full of fun, and sight-seeing trips with Jan and Dan. Terrific hosts, and wonderful cooks. We came back home via the coast again, as the weather had turned to record heat inland. I wondered what it would feel like, passing by the spot where I'd scattered Bob's ashes...

But he was NOT there.


At October 05, 2006 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a treat to read this story and somewhat share the experience with you. GOOD for you that you're focusing on the good times. Thousands upon thousands of sweet memories you have. Yep, Mr. D and my nephew are talking in Heaven. God bless us all.

At October 05, 2006 5:48 PM, Blogger Irene said...

Thank you for the update and the pictures. I listened to John playing the piano on David's site. Beautiful!

In the late 80's Paul, Jennifer and I took a family vacation traveling up the coast of California and then through the Redwoods where we also spent the night. Just beautiful. I know exactly the spot you mentioned where Bob's earthly ashes were scattered.


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