Sunday, March 19, 2006

When the swallows come back...

Some folks remember this day as Saint Joseph's Day. Others remember that this is the day the swallows return to Capistrano... every year for hundreds of years without fail.

But I will always remember it as the day I gave myself to the love of my life, Bob Darrow.

How do you celebrate an anniversary when one of you is gone? Is there a rule, or a book to tell you how? Is there a right way and a wrong way?

I guess that in remembering, there is honor, and celebration.

I think I'll go buy a Baby Ruth candy bar. That's what we had to eat on our wedding night.

And I'll check the news to see if the swallows returned on schedule.

Now it's 12:42 PM and I ate my candy bar on the way to church, and I checked the news. Yep. They arrived.


At March 23, 2006 11:42 AM, Blogger David R. Darrow said...


I don't know what else to say.

56 and a half years together and then this day comes and you are alone. A part of life I don't like.


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